About Secret Santa

Secret Santa is a tradition in the UK and USA where a group of people exchange gifts. Nothing unusual in that, but the Secret in Secret Santa means that you do not know who chooses you your gift!
Instead of drawing names from a hat to decide who is choosing gifts for each person, our Secret Santa generator automatically does this for you.
Our Secret Santa generator allows you to exclude people from buying for each other - ideal for couples who might buy for each other anyway. This is taken into account when the gift exchange is generated.
For each Secret Santa group, you can set up a couple of different gift exchanges, we call them Gift Circles. These Gift Circles can be for all of your group members, or just some of them. This gives you lots of flexibility when organising your Secret Santa event.
You can set an optional price limit on each Gift Circle to suit the members, so everyone can budget their Christmas spending in confidence.
Every group member can add items to their Wishlist which is then shown to whoever is drawn to choose them a gift. We have an Amazon search widget to help you pick gift ideas and provide handy links to whoever is choosing you a gift.
We don't yet know if we will be able to celebrate Christmas together with our loved ones, but we can ensure they receive a gift they will truly enjoy.